Aga Khan Health Services Resumes Delivery
Services at Iringa Primary medical Center.
Khan Health services Iringa has resumed delivery services and has registered
its first delivery today morning.
with Daily news in an exclusive interview the Joining Hands Initiative project
manager Anitah Muruve said that both the mother and the baby are in good
condition. She said the delivery services have been established under Joining
Hands: Improving Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (JHI) Project which is a
Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) funded initiative that aims to
contribute to improved reproductive and maternal, newborn and child health
(MNCH) in fifteen districts across five target regions in Tanzania.
said that the project is focusing on improving quality of and access to maternal,
newborn and child health services; increasing utilization of MNCH service at
primary care level.
project manager added that the project objectives are improving maternal,
newborn and child health practices through behaviour change communication (BCC)
and health promotion (HP) and enhancing
knowledge transfer and exchange on maternal, newborn and child health through a strong public private partnership
(PPP) approach under which the project is being implemented. The delivery
services are open to the public.
The Aga Khan Health Services Tanzania will
continue to establish deliveries in its other health facilities in Mwanza,
Dodoma, Mbeya and Morogoro regions.
on the services received, the mother of the new born baby Kerstin Scheffler
said she has enjoyed and appreciate the services offered throughout she has
been at the centre.
James, The Iringa Aga Khan hospital, Manager said her centre is keeping on
improving her services in order to offer better health care services to the
people. She further, calls upon people to go for better maternal and child
The project has got three phases as project
implementation planning (PIP), inception and implementation.